Think Global, Act Digital
Strong partnerships to support digital education
On April 6, 2021, with the first meeting via Microsoft Teams, the Erasmus+ project Think Global, Act Digital – Strong partnerships to support digital education finally started.
This project was developed by a broad partnership between six educational institutions and schools of different levels and three research and development institutions. The convened partners, deeply involved in education and didactics, were challenged during the Covid-19 pandemic and decided to put together their know-how and experience to develop inclusive and innovative education to different groups of children (also vulnerable ones), as well as support to teachers and parents.
These complex challenges (related to connectivity, infrastructure, development of skills and networking for knowledge sharing) brought together the partner organizations in a common action to adapt to the new challenges and bring innovation in teaching while using technology.
The project Coordinator, prof. Dana Bendris from Scoala Gimnaziala “Friedrich Schiller” in Targu Mures, welcomed all participant schools from Netherlands, Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Turkey as well as “Petru Maior” Graduate Association and Edu Publishing House and then explained the rich 2-years agenda in encouraging competence and involvement in the development of the Erasmus project: students from partner schools will follow an IT training, after which a Tech Hub youth will be formed. It will consist in an online communication space through which students passionate about coding, robotics, game programming and gamification will be able to access intersections, participating in competitions and attending specific training by university specialists. At the same time, teachers will also benefit from IT training courses and support the creation of a virtual library with interactive lessons on different subjects.
In the end all partners were asked to vote their favourite logo among the different versions proposed, so to have quickly a common visual identity.
For any further information, please follow our activities through our dedicated Facebook page “Think Global, Act Digital!”