Page 5 - Istorie_History_Orientul_Antic_Ancient_East
P. 5

The hanging palaces and gardens were reached by beautiful parallel organized streets. The entrance to
         the cities was through several gates, decorated with animals, each bearing the name of a God.

                                                             Cornucopia (“Horn of Plenty”)
                               A siria
                                                              If we look at the map of Mesopotamia from a
                      F enicia
                                       M esopo tamia    greater height, we notice that this first center of civilization
                  Palestina                             stretched as far as Egypt. Because it has the shape of a horn,
                                                        historians have called it the “Horn of Plenty”/ Cornucopia’’.
              Egipt t
               Whatever we call it was the most important center
         of  culture  and  civilization  in  antiquity.  3  types  of  writing
         were invented, the last being the Phoenician alphabet which
         perfected by the Greeks and then by the Romans, came to
         be used by us. In fact, the Greek and Roman civilization was
         inspired by the culture and civilization Near East .

                                                                            ’’East” is a term invented by
                                                                      the  ancient  romans. It  means  almost
                                                                      everything outside Europe. Today by
                                                                      ’’East” we understand a big space that
                                                                      includes Nort-Eastern Africa and Asia.

         Fenician Alphabet                                      If there is a Near East shouldn’t there be a Far East?

                                                          Well..., it really does exist one. It is the Chinese who
                                                          have forged here an important center of culture and
                                                          civilization. They created a powerful state, protected by
                                                          the Great Wall of China, stretching over 20,000 km. At
                                                          the shelter of it  there were built flourishing cities with
                                                          beautifully decorated palaces and temples, called pagodas
                                                          (“pagode”). The Chinese invented their own writing,
                                                          printing, paper, gunpowder, compass and silk. It is no
         The Great Wall of China                          coincidence that the road connecting China with the
                                                          Near East and Europe was called the “Silk Road”.
               If you look at the map of civilizations in the
         Ancient East, you can see an important center. It
         was developed by the ancient Indians in the Indus                 Silk Road                    China
         Valley. Their cities rivaled in antiquity and brilliance
         with those of Mesopotamia. The Indians invented
         the numbers that we use today and call them
         unfairly Arabic numbers. In fact, the Arab traders
         were only their carriers to Europe.                                              Indus Valley
               It’s time to move closer to home, to the
         Greek and Roman civilizations.

                     What is in your opinion the most important invention of antiquity?
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