Page 4 - Despre_Cuvinte_About_Words
P. 4
Romanian Language
1. About words
Humans are superior beings. It’s something you’ve
heard or thought about it for sure.
But what makes us superior to other beings?
First of all, we are the only species on earth able to
communicate through words.
The story of words begins very early during our
life, when we are only a few months old and we begin to
utter the first sounds. We started with vowels, for they are
easier to pronounce than consonants. Then we linked the
sounds in syllables. How proud of that were our parents!
Soon, we made them even more proud, because we have
started to say the first words. And we didn’t stop there
because at the age of two, we ordered the words to make
the first sentences. Communication with others became
much easier.
1. Name vowels and consonants from the words:
s ca le song e x cit ed airy
scar ă cân t ec încân ta t aerisit
In our life, words are very important that is why
they deserve all attention. This is why in the fifth grade
you will learn so many new things about words. You will,
of course, rely on everything you know so far and you will
do it great.
You already know that any word has a meaning.
Hearing the word stilou (pen), for example, you will think
of this writing tool. But if you hear the word poștalion
(postman), you will not probably think of anything, since
this word is unknown to you. You could ask for help from
an older man because in his time you could see postmen
on the streets. “Poștalionul” (postman) was a kind of
coach or cart pulled by several horses. But with their
disappearance, the word naming them also disappeared
from use. Instead, new words appeared which 100 years
ago would not meant anything, because the things they
represent did not even exist: Internet, Instagram or
tomograf (CT scan) for example.