Page 5 - Despre_Cuvinte_About_Words
P. 5
In addition to words whose meaning is known to all people who speak the same language, there are
old words, called archaisms and new words called neologisms. All together make up vocabulary or lexis of a
2. Search for examples of archaisms and neologisms on the Internet or in thematic dictionaries.
archaisms neologisms
Even in the first grade you have learned that some words can have the same or similar meaning to others,
such as prieten (friend) and amic (buddy). In the fifth grade you will learn that they are called synonyms and
the words with the opposite meaning, for example alb (white) and negru (black), are called antonyms.
3. What are the synonyms of words?
secret - văpaie -
secret - vape -
captiv - lift -
captive - elevator -
4. Write antonyms of words.
curat - simplu -
clean - simple -
larg - fioros -
wide - scary -
Also in the fifth grade you will learn about lexical field. Do not worry, it will not cause you problems,
for the seeds cultivated on it you know very well. They are all words that relate to the same idea. And if we’re
talking about cuvânt (word) let’s see what we find out on his lexical field. First of all – vorbă (saying), its
synonym then sunet, silabă, propoziție, cuvântare, promisiune, discurs, scriitor (sound, syllable, sentence,
speech, promise, speaking, writer) there are also words that are part of this lexical field, because they relate to
the same idea.
5. What words do you think are part of the lexical field of the word “școală” (school)?