Page 5 - Informatica_TIC_Computer_Science_ICT
P. 5

The software component means the unseen part, that is the programs run by the computer and
         that help us use the hardware performance. Programs fall into two categories: operating system and
         application system.

               How does the computer work?

               The operating system is the basic program
         of the computer. It provides the connection
         between the physical and logical components.
         The most famous operating systems are: Windows,
         Mac OS and Android.
 What is the computer?     The application system includes useful
         application programs in various fields: science,
         economics, arts, entertainment, etc. A special
         category of programs, called a navigation application
         or web browser, helps us view pages on the internet.
         The most famous web browsers are: Google Chrome,
         Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera.

               The Internet

               You all know how to search for information on the internet, but do you know what the internet is? Well,
         the internet is nothing more than a worldwide network of computers connected to each other. Because it is
         very vast and it is impossible to memorize the addresses of more than 100 million websites, search engines
         have appeared. They are also programs, presented as web pages, that help us search the internet for certain
         key words or phrases. The most famous search engine is Google, but there are others: Yahoo, Startpage,
         Gibiru, etc.
               In the fifth grade in Computer Science and ICT you will still learn many other important things: how
         to create a text file, how to edit it, how to insert and edit images, how to save and send files, etc.

             Did             Did you know that Christmas Day 1990 is unofficially the birthday of www? It
             you       was then that the first site was successfully tested. He was a guide on how to install a
             know?     server and how to access content created and shared by others.
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