Page 5 - Istorie_History_Preistoria_Prehistory
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Our species (homo sapiens) appeared more than 200,000 Australopitec Homo erectus
years ago. A bigger brain and more creative thinking made
our ancestors find water and food in this hostile environment.
Intelligence, adaptive power and curiosity led homo sapiens to
colonize the entire planet. On their way they came into contact
with other groups of more primitive people, derived from homo
erectus. Intelligence has once again become the main weapon.
Hunter– gatherer tribes of our species have used these contacts
to their advantage. In the end we are the only species of human
to survive to this day. Genetically, the closest human relatives
alive are chimpanzees and Bonobos.
Homo sapiens
Modern man on the territory of
In today’s territory of our country, homo
sapiens reached in plein of the Ice Age about
40,000 years ago. He gradually removed himself
from Neanderthal homo (“homo de neanderthal”)
although he was much better adapted to the cold
climate. 13 – 14,000 years ago the last glaciation
ended and climate change caused vegetation and
fauna change too. They have become similar to
today climate. A new historical period begins called
Mesolithic (“mezolitic”) or Middle Stone Age (“epoca
de mijloc a pietrei”).
From hunters-gatherers to farmers
Chauvet cave in
Black Sea France
Black Sea
Pictures datind
about 30 000 years
Mediteranean Sea
anean Sea
Cornuc opia
it the Neolithic revolution, because it irreversibly
changed the world. The first villages appeared, the
During this period, in the so-called first irrigation canals were dug and the first Palisades
Cornucopia from Mesopotamia and to Egypt, were built. In order to be better defended, the
people invented something that would radically people gathered in ever larger and better fortified
transform us, agriculture. Hunter – gatherer tribes settlements, thus creating the first cities. To keep
gradually gave up to nomadism, becoming farmers track of crops and livestock, writing has appeared. It
and livestock breeders. The historical era that also helped us leave our stories to posterity. And so,
followed was called Neolithic (“neolitic”) or New without even realizing, we arrived by Time Machine
Stone Age (“epoca nouă a pietrei”). Historians call at the dawn of human civilization.
How did Agriculture change people’s lives?