Page 4 - EnuntulPropozitiaPartileDePropozitie_TheStatementTheSentencePartsOfASentence
P. 4

3. The statement. The sentence. Parts of a sentence

                elev,  patru, harnic, lecție, clasă, am înțeles
                student, four, diligent, lesson, class, understood
               You certainly didn’t understand anything of this line of words. It is happening because I have put the
         words in a randomly line without taking into account the relationship between them. But if we are going to
         order the words to form a sentence, the message transmitted will become clear.
                Harnicii elevi din clasa a patra au înțeles lecția.
                The diligent fourth graders understood the lesson.
                We have formulated a sentence by choosing the right form of words and placing them in a logical
         order. But once it is taken from the dictionary and put into the sentence, the words acquired roles, like actors
         in a play.
               Let’s draw a parallel between a child and a word.
               Anyone who sees            will say that it is child no matter where they are and what they do.

               But at home he is the son of his parents, at school he is a student, in a bus he is a traveler, at the theatre
         - spectator, that is, he performs different roles in different situations.
               Likewise, about the word school, for example, we know that it is as part of speech, noun. But when we
         use it in sentences, it performs different roles.

              1.  Check the sentence in which the noun vară - summer is subject.
                  •  La vară voi merge în tabără.
                   •   I’ll go to camp in the summer.
                  •  Merele de vară s-au copt.
                   •   Summer apples have ripened.
                  •  Vara este anotimpul meu preferat.
                   •   Summer is my favorite season.
                  •  A sosit vara.
                   •   A has arrived.

                                                           Between the words of a sentence, certain relationship
                                                   is established and it is called syntactic relations and the role of
                                                   the word in the sentence is called syntactic function. By now
                                                   you have learned the two of the syntactic functions that parts
                                                   of speech can perform: subject and predicate. You have learned
                                                   that they are the main parts of the sentence and a sentence that
                                                   is made up only of a subject and a predicate is a simple sentence.
                                                   Any sentence necessarily has a predicate and the subject can be
                                                   expressed or unexpressed.

                                                                           unexpressed subject (Cine învață? Eu)
                                                                                                           (Who’slearning? Me)
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