Page 5 - EnuntulPropozitiaPartileDePropozitie_TheStatementTheSentencePartsOfASentence
P. 5


              2.  Specify the subject of each of the following sentences:
                  Citim.                        Scrie tema.                   Ascultați sunetul ploii.
                  We are reading.              Write the homework..           Listen to the sound of rain.

               Of course, there are also statements with several predicates, such as:
               Îmi place să mănânc bunătățile pe care le face mama în fiecare duminică.
               I like to eat the food that my mother is doing in every Sunday.

               You can see that this statement has three predicates and that means
         we have three propositions.
               The statement that has two or more sentences is a phrase. Attention,
         though!  Not  every utterance  of few words is a sentence and not every
         utterance of many words is a phrase.
                    Știu să scriu.                 phrase
                   I know how to write.

                    În acea frumoasă zi de iarnă, pe chipul palid
             al împărătesei se strecură un zâmbet cald.                                      sentence
                    On that beautiful winter day, on the pale face of the Queen a warm
             smile was straining.

              3.  How many sentences does the following statement consist of?
                   Am învățat să scriu și să citesc încă de când aveam șase ani.
                   I have learned to read and write when I was six years old.

                                 Students     read.
                                Elevii citesc.                simple sentence

                                                  predicate, because it shows what is said about the subject

                                                  subject, as it shows who is doing the action

                                   The snowdrops, the crocuses, the violets and the bluebells have sprung up.
                                 Ghioceii, brândușele, viorelele și toporașii au răsărit.


                              simple sentence
                                                                                                multiple subject

              4.  Make up a simple sentence with multiple subject.
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