Page 5 - Matematica_Mathematics - Fractii_Fractions
P. 5


              2.  Write the subunit fractions with the denominator 7.

               8 slices form the whole pizza and the corresponding fraction is 8/8.  Fractions
         that have the numerator equal to the denominator are equunitary fractions (“fracții
         echiunitare”). Their value is equal to 1.

              3.  Circle the equunitar fractions in the string.

                   _ 2      _ 4      _ 2      _ 3      _ 5     _ 8      _ 7      _ 5      _ 4     _ 1
                    4        5       2        9        5        8        9       6        4        7

               Fractions that have the numerator bigger than the denominator, for example 9/8  superunit fractions
         (“fracții supraunitare”) that are bigger than 1. If you cut the pizza into 8 and you need 9 equal slices, you will
         have to cut another pizza into 8 and complete from here with another slice.

               Take, for example, the fraction 2/5 We note that the numerator is less than the denominator, so it is a
         subunit fraction. If we want to represent it on the number axis, we can safely say that it is between 0 and 1,
         because its value is less than 1.

               We divide the segment from 0 to 1 into 5 equal parts, each of which is a fifth. Now we can easily
         determine the place of the fraction 2/5 on the axis.

               Equunitary fractions such as 5/5, 8/8 or 10/10 corresponds to them on the axis number 1.
               To find out the place on the axis of a superunit fraction (let’s take as an example 18/4) we can first
         determine how many integers this fraction has, through the division operation.

                                                                                       2 _
                       18 : 4 = 4 (remainder2). In other words,  18 _  has 4 integers and  .
                                                                  4                    4

               Now that you have remembered so many mathematical things, it will be very easy for
         you to face the challenges of fifth grade.
   1   2   3   4   5   6