Page 8 - Think Global Act Digital-FUNNY ENGLISH
P. 8

Units and                             Competences                            Vocabulary   Grammar
         V. WINTER FUN   1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,   Furniture
                         clearly articulated, in familiar contexts.                                  Plurals
            Lesson 13    1.3. Showing availability in receiving simple, age appropriate oral   Kitchen items
           IT’S PARTY    messages.                                                                   Giving
              TIME!      2.2. Participation in interactions in immediate or familiar contexts.  Celebrations-
            pp. 68-71    3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar  related   instructions
                         topics.                                                        vocabulary

                         1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,
                         clearly articulated, in familiar contexts.                                   Yes/No
            Lesson 14
           LET’S SEE     1.3. Showing availability in receiving simple, age appropriate oral          questions
             A FILM!     messages.                                                      Types of films
            pp. 72-75    2.2. Participation in interactions in immediate or familiar contexts.        I would like
                         3.3. Deciphering familiar simple messages from friends, classmates           to/ I prefer
                         and teacher.
            Lesson 15    1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,
           SKATING IS    clearly articulated, in familiar contexts.
            GREAT!       1.2. Identification of time and quantity expressed numerically (prices,
            pp. 76-79    numbers) in an audio message, clearly and correctly articulated.             Buying and
                         2.1. Asking for and providing information on numbers, prices, time   Winter sports
            REVISION     expressions.                                                                 Go+verb+
              p. 80      2.2. Participation in interactions in immediate or familiar contexts.        ing (II)
          EVALUATION     3.3. Deciphering familiar simple messages from friends, classmates
              p. 81      and teacher.

          VI. SPRING IN  1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,
            LONDON       clearly articulated, in familiar contexts.                       Wild
                         1.3. Showing availability in receiving simple, age appropriate oral   animals  Adjectives
            Lesson 16    messages.                                                                    for states
          AT THE ZOO     2.3. A simple description of a person, character.                British first
            pp. 82-85    3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar   names

                         1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,
                         clearly articulated, in familiar contexts.                      Parts of the
            Lesson 17                                                                    body        Have got (II)
              THE        1.3. Showing availability in receiving simple, age appropriate oral
         PLAYGROUND      messages.
            pp. 86-89    2.3. A simple description of a person, character.               Objects in   Actions
                         3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar   a park

                         1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,
           Lesson 18
           OUR BAND      clearly articulated, in familiar contexts.
                         1.3. Showing availability in receiving simple, age appropriate oral
            pp. 90-93
                         messages.                                                      Musical       Modal verb:
                         2.3. A simple description of a person, character.              instruments   can
            REVISION     3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar
             p. 94       topics.
         EVALUATION      3.3. Deciphering familiar simple messages from friends, classmates
             p. 95       and teacher.

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