Page 9 - Think Global Act Digital-FUNNY ENGLISH
P. 9
Units and Competences Vocabulary Grammar
VII. WE ARE 1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message, Weather
LOST! clearly articulated, in familiar contexts. related
1.3. Showing availability in receiving simple, age appropriate oral Weather adjectives
Lesson 19
WHAT’S THE messages. Adjective
WEATHER LIKE? 2.2. Participation in interactions in immediate or familiar contexts. Seasons forms:
pp. 96-99 3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar
topics. noun+y
1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message, Directions
clearly articulated, in familiar contexts.
Lesson 20 3.1. Recognising the significance of common phrases, typical of
WHERE ARE everyday life. Asking for
WE? 3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar Buildings
pp. 100-103 topics. Prepositions
4.2. Writing a simple message to a classmate. of place
Lesson 21 1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,
WE ARE clearly articulated, in familiar contexts.
ALWAYS BUSY! 1.3. Showing availability in receiving simple, age appropriate oral Moments of
pp. 104-107 messages. the day Adverbs of
REVISION 2.1. Asking for and providing information on numbers, prices, time frequency
p. 108 expressions. Days of week
EVALUATION 3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar
p. 109 topics.
VIII. GOOD-BYE, 1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,
BRITAIN! clearly articulated, in familiar contexts. Feelings Can
Lesson 22 2.2. Participation in interactions in immediate or familiar contexts. Interrogative
FAREWELL, 2.3. A simple description of a person, character. Musical and negative
DEAR FRIENDS! 3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar instruments forms
pp. 110-113 topics.
1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,
clearly articulated, in familiar contexts.
1.2. Identification of time and quantity expressed numerically (prices, Telling the
numbers) in an audio message, clearly and correctly articulated. Penfriends
Lesson 23 2.1. Asking for and providing information on numbers, prices, time time
PEN FRIENDS expressions. Messages,
pp. 114-117 3.1. Recognising the significance of common phrases, typical of emails and Prepositions
everyday life. letters of time
3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar
4.1. Writing a birthday card or a celebration card for someone.
Lesson 24
GOODBYE, 1.1. Identification of the global significance of an oral message,
LONDON! clearly articulated, in familiar contexts. Shops Prepositions
pp. 118-121 2.2. Participation in interactions in immediate or familiar contexts.
REVISION 2.3. A simple description of a person, character. Jobs Expressing
p. 122 3.2. Identification of the global significance of a simple text on familiar
EVALUATION topics. reason
p. 123
LET’S PLAY pp. 124-125
GRAMMAR STOP pp. 129-136 7